The Ripple Effect: Embracing Evolution in Print and Communication.

In the dynamic world of business, what may appear as a mere ripple in the vast sea of technology and communication today can indeed transform into the wave of the future. This concept holds particularly true for the realms of print and communication, where the traditional and the contemporary seamlessly intertwine, creating opportunities for innovation …

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Digital and Offset, How They Come Together.

What sets digital and offset printing apart? And how can you determine which one is best for your specific project? As a print buyer, it’s crucial to understand the key distinctions between these two processes, as they directly impact pricing. Making a well-informed decision will lead to superior results for your printing endeavor. Offset printing …

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Basics of Designing a Business Card

Designing a business card is not just a mere formality; it is a crucial aspect of your branding strategy that can have a significant impact on your business. A well-designed business card has the power to leave a lasting impression on potential clients and make your business stand out from the competition. So, let’s dive …

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Direct Mail, Digital Noise or Tangible Touch.

Guest Karen Kimerer of Keypoint Intelligence. All about direct mail and understanding digital noise and the importanct of tangible touch. Over the past decade, businesses have increasingly turned to digital marketing strategies to reach their target audiences. While digital marketing has proven to be effective in many ways, it’s still important not to overlook the …

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Know How to Prepare You File For Print!

Some useful tips when sending a file to be printed.  Either printed digital or offset, this will ensure a smooth process for your project. Process Color This is a color separation method that uses percentages of Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and BlacK overlying each other to create a full-color composite. This allows the full range of …

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