Your Mission is to Inspire. 3 Tips for Branding.

“If you are not a brand, you are a commodity.”  Philip Kotler – Are you struggling to brand your business. What is Branding? Branding is the process of creating a strong, positive perception of your company. It goes beyond just having a logo and a mission statement. Creative branding combines these elements with great design …

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Surviving the Paper Storm

Why are the Paper Markets remaining extremely tight? Post-pandemic demand for graphic paper is outpacing an already thin global supply. All graphic paper grades and basis weights and finishes are oversold for Q4 with orders exceeding saleable capacity. All paper manufacturers have moved to an allocation/reservation system. Why? The main reasons for the decrease in paper supply …

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The Importance of a Loyal Employee

In times of economic progress and a shortage in the labor market, the importance of a loyal employee for companies is getting ever greater, as competition for talent is increasing. A company naturally wants to retain talented employees. Companies are investing more time and money in employee development which means turnover is becoming more expensive. In times of economic slowdown, …

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The Importance of a Loyal Employee

Why should you care about employee loyalty? As mentioned before, loyal employees already have a natural hunger for improvement and success.  They are always coming up with new ways to tackle the challenges of the day and help the company grow.  They are always ready and able to work harder and suggest things to improve …

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The Return of Printed Catalogs

Reaching Consumers in an Environmentally Responsible Way By Kathi Rowzie, President, Two Sides North America After a sharp decline in 2020, printed catalogs are coming back in a big way. Market research firm Keypoint Intelligence reports that digital print volumes – the production method for most smaller-run catalogs – has rebounded close to its pre-pandemic …

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Paper Products Are Not a Major Contributor to Climate Change

Submitted: Kathi Rowzie, Two Sides, March 30, 2022 If you’ve been following Two Sides or other authoritative sources, you know that the paper products you use do not contribute in any major way to climate change. Why? Because most of the energy used to manufacture them is generated using renewable, carbon-neutral biomass. But what does …

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