The Magic of Touch

Touch is the very first way we communicate with the world as a child. The sense of touch remains essential to the way we receive and transmit information. It is one of the most important ways we experience the world we live in. It goes without saying that the pandemic has impacted every one of …

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Are Your Envelopes Doing Their Job?

How are you using your envelopes?  It is no surprise business is the #1 user of envelopes, next to households.  They use them to send bills, statements,  checks, and communications with customers.  However, business is discovering a more productive use for envelopes, direct mail marketing.  If you have been the buyer of envelopes or the …

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What About Flyer’s and Brochures?

The most attractive and crisp way of describing a business and its products is through a flyer or brochure. Put on your goggles and look at a flyers or brochures like a “wingman.”  Your company’s “wingman.”  You are leading your organization with specific goals and strategies.  Just like the Blue Angels fly in formation with specific …

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